This Drink Can Cure Diabetes In Just 5 Days

Doctors are Shocked: This drink can cure diabetes in just 5 days. 

A video by Life well lived video channel.

Use caution! It might or might not work for you.

Diabetes has been known not to have no cure. You can minimize its effects by losing weight, exercise and following a very strict diet. As for the ingredients of this drink: Bananas are rich in carbohydrates; they will knock your blood sugar levels sky high; they should never be eaten by diabetics.

Apples are quite rich in fructose, a form of sugar, and should be eaten only in small quantities. It's better to eat them whole and not as a drink, because then the sugars are absorbed more slowly. Kiwis are also rich in fructose and should be handled even more carefully than apples. Kale, however, is fine. This drink may well be rich in vitamins, but they should be obtained from less threatening foods.

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